• February 10, 2025 12:26 am

Tête-à-Tête: Entrepreneur Suchismita Saha is setting examples in Tripura!

ByGaurav Gautam Saha

Dec 2, 2021

Suchismita Saha, an entrepreneur from Tripura, has a dream to aid the youth who want to chart their own route in life. Having started from humble beginnings and having faced fierce trials and tribulations, it is now her fervent desire to share her journey with young entrepreneurs and those sections of society who have always been told that their dreams are impossible, unrealistic, improper or not according to societal norms.

She especially hopes to become a beacon of inspiration for young women of Northeastern states of India Tripura, and to teach them that all that separates them from their dreams is a willingness to communicate, an unshakeable faith in the power of hard work, and the willingness to test new waters.

With this dream in mind, she also started Tarubala Girls Foundation for the welfare and empowerment of women through education and training.

( An interview with Gaurav Gautam Saha )

Q.1: Where do you come from?

Ans: Basically, I am from Agartala, the capital of Tripura; and studied in Delhi Public School, Kolkata. I did my graduation at the Heritage Institute of Technology . Now I am doing business in the main region  of my native place.

Q.2 :You are one of the first women in the country to own a real estate firm. How did the journey start? Did you always want to be a businesswoman? 

Ans : I may not be the first in the country but might be one of the first or few from my region. The journey started basically during my engineering. 

As a 22 year old college student I did the maximum I could afford – read almost all the books I could find on business, spoke to anyone and everyone who showed interest , worked and re-worked on my business plans. I had many business plans and their back up plans ready in case one failed.  I was not willing to give up on my business dream because I had finally found something that I was truly passionate about and that really motivated me to get up every day in the morning and work harder. 

Q.3 : What is Tarubala Girls Foundation ?

Ans:Tarubala Girls Foundation has been named after my grandmother who is my childhood inspiration. She always inspired me to do better and grow higher. At TGF, we believe in giving utmost to helping women achieve their highest potential. The NGO has reached out to underprivileged women and children throughout the state, Through education and training, we have been able to work with orphans as well as the underprivileged to lend a helping hand towards their empowerment.

Q4. Did you face any incidents of discrimination based on gender?

Ans. I did deal with a lot of unnecessary gender biased questions like why do you want to do this ? It’s not for girls ? Will you go and stand in a site full of male labourers? I did feel bad initially because if you face gender bias or discrimination on a daily basis it does take a toll on your mental health and emotions as well.

 But since I had struggled to start off even during the initial stage, I knew that backing out wasn’t an option. I was determined that no matter who says what I am going to push harder and try harder. 

Q.5 : Are you doing it alone, or with others as a team?

Ans : Basically right now we are six people, and from different fields – Teaching, architecture, etc. It’s a great team to work with, talented and hardworking.

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