• January 24, 2025 9:02 am

CAB extends date of player registration to 31 January

ByNE India Broadcast

Dec 31, 2021 #CAB

The Cricket Association of Bengal keeping the interest of the players during this pandemic situation in sight has decided to extend the players’ registration date from 31 December, 2021 to 31 January, 2022.

Since vaccination of U18 age group has been allowed by the authorities, request was made by the clubs to the association at the Apex Council meeting to extend the date of registration as they have not registered as many U18 players earlier because at that point of time the policy was not approved and they did not want to take any chances.

Now when the vaccination is allowed extention of registration date considering the pandemic situation will allow more young budding talents to get a scope and a platform.

CAB President Avishek Dalmiya said: “Considering the current situation after U18 vaccination is allowed by the authorities, the player’s registration date has been extended till 31 January, 2022. The request has been made by the clubs and considering this as a special case due to pandemic, we decided to take this step so that no young budding talents are deprived from their chance to showcase their talents.”

“Young players are an integral part and now when U18 age group vaccination is allowed by the authorities the clubs have made request for extension of the registration date. The start of the league has also been delayed due the current situation. Keeping these two factors in mind during this pandemic situation we have decided to extend the same,” said Snehasish Ganguly, Hony. Secretary CAB.

The Apex council unanimously approved keeping the extraordinary situation in mind, for the interest of the game and the cricketers, especially the young talents.

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