The series of police operations in Assam continues under the Director General of Police (DGP), Bhaskar Jyoti Mahanta. The efforts to “punish” criminals is seemingly strong under the state government.
Yesterday, Biki Ali (20) was killed on the outskirts of Guwahati. He allegedly tried to flee from custody after attacking a police team accompanying him for crime scene reconstruction.
Speaking to the media, Guwahati Medical College Hospital superintendent Abhijit Sarma said the person sustained four injury marks—one in the chest and three in the back. “He was brought to our hospital after 1 am (Wednesday) where he was declared brought dead. Details of gunshot wounds will be available after post-mortem.”
Sarma said police officer Twinkle Goswami, the in-charge of Panbazar women police station in Guwahati, was also injured in the incident. “The officer, who sustained minor injuries in her leg and hand, is admitted to the hospital. Her condition is stated to be stable.
“Rape represents regressive mindset of controlling, scarring & destroying a girl/women’s mind and body. Assam Police would use all instruments of law to fight this evil. As a father & a Cop, grateful to Hon CM for crystal clear directions to this effect.”, reads a tweet by Special DGP, GP Singh, today morning.