World health day is celebrated every year on 07 April worldwide. It is a day to commemorate the requirement of holistic health care for all. The theme for this year is “Our planet Our health”.
Command Hospital, Eastern Command conducted an health awareness event at “Albert Ekka” auditorium at Headquarters Eastern Command on multiple topics like optimising ante-natal care, use of menstrual cups, gynaecological cancer prevention and screening, newborn screening awareness, effects of RO water and impact of heavy use of disinfectants and PPEs during COVID-19. The lectures were held by specialists in respective fields like gynaecologists, paediatrician, ENT specialist, community medicine and nursing officers. A role play by nursing students on pregnancy and Health exhibition was also held. A total of 270 families of all ranks were benefitted by this event. Mrs Nisha Kalita, Regional President AWWA Eastern Command was the chief guest of the occasion.