Miss P. Rosaline Ao started her career as an Arm Wrestler, she won the champion of champions title in N.C. Hills in 1998. She was selected for national championship later on.

She started her powerlifting carrer in Dec 1998 in all Assam powerlifting championship and had set a new record. She had been bestowed with the award of the best powerlifter for three consecutive years in Assam for the year 2003, 2004,and 2005.

She was awarded as the strong woman of Assam 2003,2004,and 2006. She was also bestowed with the title as the strongest woman of North East and Best lifter for three years, 2003,2005,and 2006. She got first place for Bench press powerlifting in 2003, 2004,and 2006.
In 1999 she had participated in Bench press powerlifting Champinionship held in VAASA FINLAND and she got 5th place.
In 2000 she got Second place in Asian Bench Press Powerlifting Championship.
She was selected for International Chamionship each time. She is a National Champion but due to lack of good facilities and Sponsorship, she couldn’t not continue her sporting career and left her powerlifting career in the middle.
Now she is working as a TET teacher in Dima Hasao and shaping the destiny of Dima Hasao. A lady with such callibre and resource should have been instigated and motivated to bring pride to the society as well as the Nation. But due to negligence and impressive spot light, a resource was left unutilised and without noticed. Such persons are the true asset of the society and therefore should be treasured and idealised.
(The article is solely the opinion of the author. The views expressed here are solely personal and not in any way connected to any organisation or any political party.)

Writer presently working as a Asst. teacher at Fiangpui Higher Secondary School, Haflong.