• January 24, 2025 9:27 am

N. F. Railway observed Swachhata Pakhwada

ByNE India Broadcast

Oct 2, 2022 #NFR

In accordance with Prime Minister’s clarion call of “Swachh Bharat Mission’’ Swachhata Pakhwada is being observed over Indian Railways from 16thSeptember, 2022. In continuation to this nationwide drive, N. F. Railway launched various cleanliness activities to promote awareness about cleanliness in its premises. The fortnight-long campaign was inaugurated by administering the “Swachhata Shapath” pledge on 16th September, 2022 and culminated today on 02nd October, 2022.

The campaign has been launched to sensitize people about observing of proper hygiene, encourage desisting from open defecation and keeping the stations and railway tracks clean.From the first day, various activities were organised at railway colonies, work places and station premises tospread upawareness amongst railway employees, their family members and passengers. During the fortnight-long campaign emphasis were given on Swachch Awareness, Swachch Samwad, Swachch Stations, Swachch Railgaadi, Swachch Parisar, Swachch Ahar, Swachch Neer & Swachch Prasadhan. Swachhata Seminar and awareness camps were held at all the five divisions under N. F. Railway. NukkadNataks were organized at various locations to spread up awareness of Swachhata and message of Swachhata Abhijan being played at various stations for awareness of passengers. Regular updates of all the activities and innovative practices on Swachhata have been widely published on official social media platforms of N.F. Railway.

Today on 02ndOctober, 2022, on the occasion of 153rd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a major Swachhata Abhiyan was undertaken near Guwahati Railway Station led by TheGeneral Manager of N. F. Railway Shri Anshul Gupta along with senior officials and staffs followed by a tree plantation drive involving the local childrens. Nukkad Natak, floral tribute to Gandhiji’s portrait and bhajan programmes were also held at the premises of Guwahati Railway Station. To mark the occasion, similar programmes were also organized at platforms, station premises, circulating area of various railway stations, hospital premises etc across five divisions of N. F. Railway.

Swachhata Pakhwada is an opportunity for Railways to showcase their efforts in trying to maintain cleanliness of the highest order in trains, stations, surrounding areas, railway colony, schools and railway hospitals.

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