BSF organized the Cycle Rally on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of India’s independence. The rally started from ICP Akhura, 120 Battalion, Agartala on November 01st, 2022 covering a distance of 3150 kilometres and reached at 118 Battalion, BSF, Tagorevilla, Kolkata under South Bengal Frontier on Sunday, 11th December, 2022.
The cycle rally reached at Tagorevilla today after successfully completing 41 days of journey. The cycle rally was warmly welcomed by Shri Ajit Kumar Tete, DIG (Principal Staff Officer)/ Officiating IG, South Bengal Frontier, Rajesh Kumar, DIG, Sector HQ Kolkata, Rajesh Tripathi Commandant, along with senior officers and jawans of the force.
In the closing ceremony, the Ajit Kumar Tete, DIG stated that the main objective of this rally was to create a feeling of patriotism in the hearts of the people living in the Border areas, to create a good image of the Border Security Force and to motivate more and more youth to join BSF. He further stated that such programs give a message to the youth not to indulge in smuggling and other anti-social activities and to create a bright future for them. In the end, he congratulated the participants who have set an example by participating in this cycle rally and covering a long journey.