Pankaj Kumar Singh, IPS, Director General, Border Security Force concluded his 2 days tour of South Bengal Frontier area today. Arriving at the premises of Frontier HQrs South Bengal on 16th December, 2022, reviewed security scenario and inaugurated the new gymnasium and the Jawan barrack in the presence of Shri Rajwinder Singh Bhatti, IPS, ADG (Eastern Command), Dr. Atul Fulzele, IPS, Inspector General, South Bengal Frontier and Seema Praharis.
On 17th December, the Director General attended the conference of the Eastern Zonal Council at 1100 hrs. Thereafter he virtually inaugurated of Border Out Post Kalupota-II 153 Battalion, Border Out Post Tarali-I 112 Battalion, Border Out Post Puttikhali, 08 Battalion and and the Officers’ institute of 158 Battalion from Frontier HQrs South Bengal.
DG BSF while addressing the troops appreciated performance and contribution of borderman in guarding the International Borders and directed them to perform their duties with diligence, sincerity & dedication.