Signal and Telecommunication Department is responsible for installation and maintenance of Signalling system essential for the safe & speedy movement of trains and Telecommunication systems required for the effective utilization of the large fleet of locomotives and other rolling stock and track as well as for the administration of the vast Railway communication network. Indian Railway has an in-house Railway Telecommunication Network for managing Train operations and staff management and to offer Passenger Amenities.
Due to continual advancement in communication technology, better cohesion between signal and telecom teams is the need of the day. In future, monitoring of signal gears will be done remotely. Integration of Signal & Telecom control will provide better utilization of man power during shortage of control staff. In consonance with the policy of centralized monitoring of field gears and its failures, integration of signal & telecom control will ease monitoring of gear health & monitoring of failure resulting in better co-ordination with field staff during any joint work or any failure.
Prior to setting up of Integrated Signal & Telecom Control, the OFC Server room, Test Room and Signal Control were placed at three different locations due to which coordination between signal staff and Telecom staff was not adequate. During any Telecom failure, staff had to move from Test Room to Server Room for observing the equipment alarm. After setup of the integrated control with Multiple Data Logger and IOT Display in one screen, monitoring of train operations has become easier leading to better punctuality of trains, lesser failures and optimum utilization of line capacity.