Northeast Frontier Railway has been constantly progressing in freight loading and has loaded 1.017 million tonnes (MT) during the month of December, 2022. This is an increase of 20.5% in comparison to the corresponding period of the previous year. N. F. Railway has loaded 8.847 MT from April to December of this financial year. This is an increase of 20.9% as compared to corresponding period of the previous year.
During the month of December, 2022, coal loading increased by 1076.9% and loading of few other commodities also increased by a good margin in comparison to corresponding period of the previous year. During the month, food grain loading increased by 31.6%, fertilizers loading increased by 21.1%, POL loading increased by 18.4%.
During the current financial year from April to December, coal loading increased by 1013.8%, dolomite loading increased by 9.6% in comparison to corresponding period of the previous year. Fertilizer loading increased by 17.9%, POL loading increased by 12.6%, container loading increased by 15.6% and other commodities increased by 24.4%.
N. F. Railway is exploring all possible ways to boost the freight loading performance. It denotes its sincere commitments to maintain backend supply chain and to dispatch freight commodities in different parts of the country faster.