On February 22, 2023, the Border Security Force (BSF) organized a civic action program at the Border Out Post Khairtala of the 117th Battalion, under the South Bengal Frontier. The program was aimed at strengthening the cordial relations between the BSF and the border villagers.
The program saw the participation of villagers from the border villages of Bamanabad and Kakamarichar. Approximately 180 people of different age groups attended the program, which included the distribution of stationery items and sports equipment to the children. In addition, household items were also distributed to the villagers.The Panchayat Pradhan and other Panchayat members were present at the program to extend their support to the initiative. Such events help establish cordial relations between the BSF and the people living on the border, said the Public Relations Officer of the BSF. He also stated that the BSF would continue to organize such programs in the future.
It is important to note that the BSF organizes various programs throughout the year, including medical camps, blood donation camps, and civic action programs, among others.
The BSF’s civic action program at Khairtala is a step towards building a strong relationship between the BSF and the border villagers. The BSF has always been committed to the welfare of the people living on the border, and such programs serve as a testament to their dedication.