Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Tuesday organised a felicitation program for resource persons, Rajiv Gandhi University faculty members and different NGOs from Arunachal Pradesh in finding out those unsung heroes from the Singpho community of Northeast states at state guest house,Niti Vihar, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
Deputy Chief minister Chowna Mein who was present during the felicitation programme thanked the faculty members of Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono hills,Doimukh for their hardship research works.
In the program Professor Saket Kushwaha vice Chancellor Rajiv Gandhi University, Professor Adhan Riddhi, Project Coordinator,Taba Tidir education minister of Arunachal Pradesh among many other dignitaries and resource persons were present.
Among the Singpho tribe, Manje La Singpho Chairman and Ongyun Maio advisor of Singpho History research and Analysis wing were felicitated for their outstanding contribution towards Singpho community as they provide information of the unsung heroes of Singpho community such as Ningru Thumung,Bom Singpho and Beesa Gaum Singpho and we thanks to Prema Khandu chief minister of Arunachal Pradesh for recognizing the unsung heroes of Singpho community as it is a very pride moment for all of us said a educated youth of the Singpho community of Margherita.
Manje la Singpho is an entrepreneur from Margherita who few days ago was awarded 2nd highest civilian award of Assam, Asom Gaurav Award by the Assam Government.