World Malaria Month has been kicked off in Karimganj on Thurrsday by Health and Family Welfare Department with a Rally from Karimganj Civil Hospital flagged of by Dr. Ranjit Baidya, CM&HO (CD). Dr. Raushanara Begum, SDM&HO (School Health), Suman Choudhury, DME, NHM, Debojit Dey, NVBDCP Consultant, Shankar Lal Dey, DAM and various other staffs and ASHAs of Karimganj Urban attended.
While addressing the rally, Dr. Baidya stated that though malaria cases have significantly decreased, but it is very much important to take precautionary measures. He stressed on using mosquito nets and avoiding water stagnation. In his address Debojit Dey, District Consultant, NCVBDC informed that as part of World Malaria Day observation several activities have been undertaken like bed-net impregnations, street plays on malaria awareness etc. Guppy fishes were also distributed at the drains and water bodies of Urban Municipalities corporation. Also source reduction activity was carried out in all the wards of karimganj Town.
Moreover, School level awareness on malaria along with rallies, community awareness on Malaria and Insecticide treated bednet camps have been undertaken across all the blocks. Anti Larval Spraying to prevent mosquito breeding will also be undertaken in various wards of Karimganj town.
It’s noteworthy to mention that globally, 3.3 billion people in 106 countries are at a risk of malaria.
Apart from the Malaria Month, a fortnight long awareness on Dengue has been started throughout the district.