On 30 October 2023, South Bengal Frontier, BSF initiated its annual “Vigilance Awareness Week” on October 30, 2023, as per the directive of the Central Vigilance Commission. The week-long event, running from October 30 to November 5, 2023, aims to promote ethical behavior and foster a commitment to eradicating corruption in the organization.
A pivotal moment in the week’s activities was the pledge-taking ceremony held on October 30, 2023, at the HQ, South Bengal Frontier, New Town, Rajarhat. The ceremony, administered by Shri Mukesh Tyagi, DIG/Principal Staff Officer of Frontier Headquarters South Bengal. All officers, sub-ordinate officers, and Jawans collectively pledged to uphold the motto “Say No to Corruption; Commit to the Nation.”
Similar pledge ceremonies were organized at all under-command sectors, including SHQ BSF Kolkata, SHQ BSF Krishnanagar, SHQ BSF Behrampore, and SHQ BSF Malda. These ceremonies aimed to instill a sense of responsibility and integrity among the BSF personnel and raise awareness about the detrimental effects of corruption on society.
A. K Arya, DIG, Public Relations Officer, South Bengal Fronteir, BSF Said that the “Vigilance Awareness Week” is a testament to the BSF’s commitment to the values of transparency, honesty, and ethical conduct. It serves as a reminder that the BSF stands steadfast in its dedication to safeguarding the nation’s borders and ensuring that its personnel work diligently to make India a corruption-free country. He also encourages all citizens to join this noble cause and support the initiative to combat corruption.