• February 16, 2025 10:11 pm


Assam Rifles provided a 10 day training session on Mushroom Cultivation, which culminated on 25th November at Mimbung Village of Saitual District, Mizoram. After the event, essential items for Mushroom Cultivation were distributed to the residents of Mimbung village. A total of 30 women have attended the training. Also, the Assam Rifles have allowed the villagers to utilise the set up in their premises for mushroom cultivation, and to conduct workshops on the same by the villagers. VCPs of neighbouring villages were also present for the briefing of mushroom cultivation and have shown keen interest in replicating the same in their villages. Initially, a total of 150 kg of mushroom substrate has been placed, which is likely to give a yield of around 240kg in 3 batches.

Mushroom cultivation at this level is bound to improve livelihood for villagers as it has good demand in the state. It is not only a cash crop that provides yield in a span of less than a month but is also rich in various vitamins and minerals and is also a good source of carbohydrates with low to minimal amounts of fat and no starch.

The training is being organised with the support of P L Kimi of Mimbung village who has been practicing it for the past few years. The main objective of the training is to provide means of livelihood and motivate the villagers of Mimbung towards sustainable agriculture and imparting value knowledge. On the day of culmination of the training, essential items for mushroom Cultivation were distributed by Assam Rifles. All the villagers expressed their gratitude to Assam Rifles for imparting training and providing means of livelihood to them.

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