N.F. Railway, towards its constant endeavour in making train journeys more safe and secure, adopts technically advanced measures to prevent fire out-breaks in trains.
As an initiative by the Indian Railways, NFR came up with conversion of its ICF coaches to Linke Hofmann Busch (LHB) coaches in trains running on its routes having technical advancements like Fire and Smoke Detection System (FSDS), Fire Detection and Suppression System (FDSS) along with Aspiration type Smoke Detectors and Aerosol based Fire Detection System.
During 2023-24, 9 long distance trains operating through important routes were converted to LHB rakes replacing with the existing conventional rakes. As of now a total of 40 trains operating under NFR have been converted to modern LHB rakes. LHB rakes are equipped with modern hydraulic shock absorber and improved suspension system which ensures greater riding comfort for the passengers compared to conventional rakes. LHB coaches are manufactured with anti-collision technology that causes less fatalities during accident. Each coach also has an “Advanced Pneumatic Disc Brake System” for efficient braking at higher speeds.
Further, NFR recently put into service 825 numbers of LHB AC coaches, 147 numbers of power cars and 68 numbers of pantry cars fitted with FSDS & FDSS. Along with it train lavatories of 258 AC coaches were installed with Aspiration type Smoke Detectors whereas 30 numbers of AC coaches came up with Aerosol based Fire Detection System in the current financial year. The Fire Detection Systems in trains helps monitoring locations in train coaches that confronts any unwarranted fire occurrence and helps raising the alarm for its prevention. Early and reliable warning of fire event detection can prevent panic and injury thus minimizing loss of lives and assets that causes disruption of train services.
Improvement in Rail safety is a continuous process and constant endeavour is made to improve the same. Safety Audits/inspections are undertaken at regular intervals o¬n railway infrastructures with a view to identify weak areas in asset maintenance, safety procedure and systemic defects and to provide ways and means to prevent accidents. Besides, periodical safety drives are launched from time to time to indicate safety consciousness amongst staff and to streamline safety aspects including maintenance of assets