On August 7, under BSF South Bengal Frontier, the jawans of Border Outpost Mamabhgina and Sutiya of 68th and 107th Battalion organized village coordination meetings in the border villages falling under their respective areas of responsibility. Panchayat Pradhan, Panchayat members and villagers participated in these meetings organized by BSF.
The objective of these meetings is to strengthen the relationship between BSF and local communities.The company commander of BSF emphasized the need for cooperation from the villagers in maintaining security and preventing illegal activities.The officer explained how local residents can significantly contribute to the security of the border by staying alert and reporting any suspicious activity.The Company Commander of BSF also discussed focusing on the implementation of Section 144 of CrPC.
The key points addressed during the meeting included restrictions on unnecessary civilian movement on the embankment to prevent any possible security breach. The BSF also informed the villagers that fishing in the border area during night time is strictly prohibited, as it poses a threat to national security.
A.K Arya DIG, Public Relations Officer of South Bengal Frontier said that this initiative of BSF 68th and 107th Battalion reflects their continued efforts to win the hearts and minds of the border people thereby fostering a spirit of mutual trust and cooperation vital for national security and community welfare.He also mentioned that the BSF has increased security at the border. In addition to guarding the border, they are raising awareness among the border villagers about the current situation in Bangladesh.The BSF is also sensitizing the residents of these border villages.