Since from the begining of the 20th century we have discussing about the topic of Women Empowerment. But questions are that are we seeing all that change happening in reality ? Can women have the power to do whatever they want to do?
In today’s modern world we also see that in some places of our country women are not completely satisfied about their life because they don’t feel independent in their own way. In somewhere sometimes they always feel subjugated by someone. They are either their family member or their society. In some remote areas in our country women are also considered as a house servant. They always think that women are born to fulfill the needs of the family. They don’t need any kind of their personal identity. Society already set some particular rules for them like to manage all the houseworks, to give birth their child and take care of them, to always provide services to their husband as well as the elders of the house and obey them etc .
In that kind of places, for a women to get out from their houses and identify themselves through their jobs and any other ways etc are considered as shameful or the works which are against the society’s rules and regulations . They have their old superstition that working in outside of the house and earning money is the man’s job. Women are always born only for their household duties. Thus they don’t want to educate women because they think that what will women do after their education? It’s better for them to learn their household activities.
Infact in many remote areas there are some restrictions for women about what should they wear in their daily life? In certain cases Women are even not allow to wear anything instead of their traditional attires. It rises a biggest question mark. Why the society has no rule for man that what should they wear in daily basis? Infact in so many places in our country women are don’t allow to enter in some devoted places like mandir,masjid,gurudwar etc. They consider that it will going to be unholy if women enter in it.
Infact in some cases if a working women conceive and take a break and after few months she decides to come back to her job then she faced so many questions like can she really going to be manage everything perfectly as she did before? Also in many other government as well as in private jobs some women are strictly prohibited to continue their jobs after when they get married or when they conceive their child. Also somewhere sometimes their family don’t want to fulfill their dreams after their marriage or having their child.
Infact in some office or some working places the women don’t get their promotion in proper time as well as their promotions are suspended by their higher authorities and remain them in their prior position even after fulfilling all the requirements of their job . Cause they always define that a women has so many differences from a man, thus it’s ok for them to always remain in a same place.
From the above discussion we must say that most of the people always disguide the meaning of “Faminisim” as well as the word “Women Empowerment”. Faminisim or women empowerment doesn’t want to avoid the differences which are given to man and woman by born. They accept all the physical variations that man and woman have. But these terms always want to provide the same opportunities for the man and the woman. They want to treat them equally. They always want to proof that for creating a healthy society there is always equal kind of responses are needed, qualities are needed from both the genders. Thus it’s better for a society or for a country to give the equal chance for the women to prove themselves. It’s mandatory to make women understand this that they were, they are and they will be always an important piller for a family as well as for the society. So it’s the duty for everyone to understand them and provide them an atmosphere where they can be independent.
We can’t deny that there are so many changes taken place in modern world for the independency of a women but still there are so many rural areas in where we can’t see the concept of Women Empowerment has its impact. For the betterment of those areas the government or NGO’s should be making more policies as well as it’s their duty to see are the people following these policies correctly or not?
Let us all pledge that we will make a society where women get equal opportunities in every field. Through this in reality we will all maintain the dignity of the women.
(The article is solely the opinion of the author. The views expressed here are solely personal and not in any way connected to any organisation or any political party.)