As the prestigious Tactics and Air Combat Development Establishment (TACDE) of the Indian Air Force (IAF) celebrates its Golden Jubilee this year, the release of the First Day Cover for the event is planned on 27 Nov 21 at AFS Gwalior, at the hands of Air Marshal D Choudhury AVSM VM VSM, Commandant, NDC. Air Mshl D Chaudhary is the current Commodore Commandant of this Establishment.

TACDE, formerly known as Tactics and Combat Development & Training Squadron (T&CD&TS) was born on 01 Feb 1971 to strengthen tactical training & doctrinal application of Air Power and to harness the combat potential of the IAF. Initially established at Adampur with four MiG-21s, four Sukhoi-7s and a core group of pilots tasked to be the sole agency for developing combat tactics for the IAF, it was later relocated to Ambala during the 1971 Indo-Pak war. For its crucial role in the war, the Establishment was awarded with one Vir Chakra, one Vayu Sena Medal (VM), rhiteen Mention -in – Dispatches, four Commendations from the AOC-in-C and ‘Battle Honours’ for its role in the ‘Air Offensive’.
After the wa

After the war, the Unit was renamed as Tactics and Air Combat Development Establishment and relocated to Jamnagar in Dec 1972. It was subsequently moved to its present location, Gwalior, in April 2001. Since inception, this Establishment has remained the creative crucible of the IAF, generating original operational concepts and developing war fighting tactics.

Over the years, the Establishment has been at the forefront of air warfare by keeping pace with the latest developments in military aviation and by constantly assimilating the changes in the operational environment. It has continuously exploited the capabilities of IAF’s combat platforms in ingenious ways, enhancing their effective operational employment. For its significant contribution towards sharpening IAF combat potential, TACDE received the ‘Standard’ from the President of India on 10 Nov 2009. It was also awarded the Chief of Air Staff Citation for Op Support Role on 08 Oct 2016. The Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Establishment are planned on 21 & 22 Dec 21.