To encourage the railwaymen to practice yoga for a healthy and disease-free life, Indian Railway organized a Yoga Practice Session at Karnail Singh Stadium, New Delhi on Sunday. This event has been organized as a step ahead of the International Yoga Day. The session was attended by Hon’ble Minister of Railways, Sh. Ashwini Vaishnaw, Chairman and CEO Railway Board Sh. V K Tripathi, other Members of Railway Board, General Manager, Northern Railway Ashutosh Gangal and other senior officers of NR. Sportspersons, railway employees and their family members also participated in the event. The Yogic asanas were performed under the guidance of Yog Guru Shyam Gupta, Prabhari Delhi Prant, Patanjali Yogpith. Similar sessions were also simultaneously held in other Zonal Railway headquarters, Divisions, Units, Workshops and Railway PSUs.

Yoga is the ancient Indian art and science of healthy living. It focuses on bringing harmony between the mind and body. Practicing yogic exercises on a regular basis helps in management of stress, increasing flexibility, strengthens the body and in the long run helps in creating emotional stability, focus and positivity. It develops virtues from within and elevates quality of life. The first International Yoga Day was celebrated world over on 21st June 2015. The practice of this holistic and subtle form of exercise becomes more relevant post-covid pandemic to heal, build up immunity and for emotional and mental stability. As a step ahead of the International Yoga Day, Indian Railway organized the event to create awareness amongst the Railwaymen regarding the rich benefits of Yoga.
Speaking on the occasion Minister of Railways said that Swami Vivekananda introduced Yoga to the western world. To re-initiate the world into Yoga and for humanity to benefit from this ancient practice, PM Narendra Modi proposed for an International Yoga Day in the UN General Assembly. Now many people all over the world practice and celebrate International Yoga Day with great enthusiasm. People have come to realize that most health issues have a basis in the modern urban life style. Stress, irregular habits and environmental pollution are reducing the life quality of humans. Yoga is an efficacious means to bring in inner harmony and to prevent and overcome diseases. This Yoga Practice session ahead of the International Yoga Day will certainly be helpful for the Railway employees.

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