Metro Railway has been observing Vigilance Awareness Week from 31 October to 6 November 2022. As a part of this programme, various initiatives have been undertaken in Metro to create an awareness to eradicate corruption from the society. A seminar was organized jointly by Metro Railway and Eastern Railway at Belvedere Park Officers’ Club , today i.e on 01.11.2022 as a part of observance of Vigilance Awareness Week with the theme – “Corruption Free India for a developed Nation”.

In this seminar, Shri Arun Arora, General Manager, Metro Railway and Eastern Railway has said that corruption retards the development process by adversely affecting both the domestic and foreign investments. With corruption, a country with rich natural resources may collapse economically. GM laid emphasis on exercise of control and proper education right from childhood to inculcate honesty and good practices at every sphere. He stressed upon adoption of innovative means, new technology and symmetric dissemination of information for enforcing transparency.

Shri Arora, GM also released Vigilance Bulletins ‘JAGRITI’ of Eastern Railway and ‘PRAYAS’ of Metro Railway on this occasion.
One of the main speakers of the seminar, Swami Kirtipradananda from Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, gave his valuable advice to eradicate corruption from every sphere of life. Among the other speakers, Prof. Chinmoy Guha, Former Head of the Department of English,University of Calcutta, & Former Vice Chancellor, Rabindra Bharati University said that the teachers can play a pivotal role in making a corruption free society. There is importance of vigilance control but everybody should be self vigilant – Prof Guha said. Dr. Krishnapada Sarkar, Ex. Head of Department, Physics, Sir Gurudas Banerjee College Kolkata and Shri Vipin Kumar, Chief Vigilance Officer, Metro Railway also spoke on the occasion.
A large number of officers and staff also participated in the seminar with huge enthusiasm.
Report – Pratyusha Mukherjee