• March 6, 2025 7:40 pm

Dibrugarh Hanumanbax Surajmall Kanoi (DHSK) College gets NAAC ‘A’ grade

One of the premier colleges of the state, the Dibrugarh Hanumanbax Surajmall Kanoi (DHSK) College has been accredited with ‘A’ grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
On February 3 and 4,  members of the NAAC assessment team Prof Shyama Nand Singh, dean of South Bihar Central University, Dr Sasi Kanta Dash, registrar of Pondicherry University and Dr Preeti Johari, principal of RCA Girls’ (PG) College, Mathura visited the college to carry out the assessment.
“The NAAC assessment team during their visit highly praised the academic and administrative sectors of our college along with the quality of students, regularity of teaching practices, achievements in the fields of education and culture etc. Along with other sectors the team expressed their satisfaction over the infrastructural facilities of the college. For the last five years the teachers, staff and the students of the college worked very hard to upgrade the status of the college to ‘A’ grade from ‘B++’. This time the college got 3.03 CGPA compared to 2.85 CGPA during the last assessment. The NAAC visit also helped in self-assessment by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of our institution,” DHSK College principal Dr Sashi Kanta Saikia said.
Under the accreditation system, institutions are graded for each key aspect under four categories namely A, B, C and D, denoting Very good, Good, Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory levels respectively. The summated score for all the key aspects under a criterion is then calculated with the appropriate weightage applied to it and the GPA is worked out for the Criterion. The Cumulative GPA (CGPA), which gives the final assessment outcome, is then calculated from the seven GPAs pertaining to the seven criteria, after applying the prescribed weightage to each criterion. The seven criterias used are Curricular aspects, Teaching, learning and evaluation, Research, innovations and extension, Infrastructure and learning resources, Student support and progression, Governance, leadership and management and Institutional values and best practices.

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