President of Sun Moon University of South Korea Dr. Sun Joo Hwang signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Dr.S. P. Singh, Vice Chancellor of Royal Global University who is currently in Seoul, South Korea to attend the Peace Summit 2023 organized by an United Nations ECOSOC NGO ‘Universal Peace Federation’ (UPF).
This Memorandum of Understanding is aimed at establishing vibrant academic exchanges as well as a ‘Korean Language Institute’ at the Royal Global University for ‘Development of joint courses and education programs’, ‘Establishment and a joint management of a Korean Language Institute’, ‘Exchange of credits’, ‘Exchange of graduate and undergraduate students for study and research’, ‘Exchange of professors and researchers for research, lectures and discussions’, ‘Exchange of information including the exchange of library materials and research publications’, ‘Joint conferences, seminars and workshops’, ‘Joint student activities’, and ‘Joint use of equipment, facilities and resources’.
During his being in South Korea, Prof. Singh, on 4th May 2023, was also honoured by handing over the certificate of being appointed as the Honorary Global Vice President of Sun Moon University.
On the other hand, the Assam Royal Global University recently held two Faculty Development Programs from the 24th of April, 2023 to the 4th of May, 2023.
The first, ‘Revisiting Historiography: Language, Labour, Identity and Politics’, organised by the Department of History in Hybrid Mode, covered topics like ‘Languages as Forms of Life: Politics of Affirmation and Denial’, ‘Transport and Communication in Assam: The Colonial and post- Colonial’, ‘Flagship Bearers-Forest and Wildlife Management in Assam’, ‘Gender History and Its Methodology: Interdisciplinary Approach to History of Northeast India’ amongst a host of others and was graced by experts in the field like Prof. Prasenjit Biswas, Prof. Sarah Hilaly, Ms. Sonali Ghosh, Prof. Bonojit Hussain, Prof. Manorama Sharma and others. The second, ‘Data Analysis Using Machine Learning Software’ was organized by the Department of Mathematics was host to experts like Dr. Debabrata Datta, Retired Professor, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Dr. Amit Choudhury, Professor, Department of Statistics, Gauhati University, Dr. Vivek Verma, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Assam University, and others share their valuable knowledge on ‘Machine Learning Applications in Biomedical Sciences using PYTHON’, ‘Testing of Hypothesis using SPSS’, Introduction to R and Basic Statistics’ and ‘Testing of Hypothesis using R’ amongst others.