Due to continual advancement in communication technology, better cohesion between signal and telecom teams is the need of the day. In future, monitoring of signal gears will be done remotely. Timely and speedy monitoring of all such gears has become imperative in view of the ever increasing numbers of trains. These signalling systems are essential for the safe & speedy movement of trains and telecommunication systems.
To provide better flexibility in train operations, Internet Protocol Multiprotocol Label Switching (IPMPLS) with Network Management System (NMS) facility has been provided at 156 stations of Katihar, Alipurduar, Rangiya & Lumding division under NFR.
Apart from this, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), UTS/PRS railnet circuits are migrated from Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) to IPMPLS. SCADA is used for providing effective monitoring control of the railway system. IPMPLS has a great advantage in any-to-any connectivity environment presently an essential requirement for Indian Railways for communication needs modernization.
System Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance Centre (SMPMC) and Network Control and Data Analytic Centre (NCDAC) have been established for Artificial Intelligence based predictive maintenance of assets, real-time data acquisition and allocation of resources from centralised locations. This will improve man-power deployment to the critical assets on priority and reduction in overall maintenance cost.
In addition, Wi-Fi dashboards have been provided for real time monitoring of Wi-Fi at all 382 stations provided with Wi-Fi. Also CCTV dashboards have been provided for real time monitoring of CCTV at 11 stations. Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) based Train Control Communication System has been commissioned at 26 stations. VOIP is a technology that allows making voice calls using a broadband internet connection instead of a regular phone line.
These achievements have been made possible by the deliberate, sustained and concerned efforts of N. F. Railway workforce.