Mandar Tamhane is a new North East United FC. The club official of North East United FC informed it on their official Twitter site.
Mr. Tamhane is a twenty-year veteran in Indian football and is one of the key mainstays in the transformaBon of the sport over this Bme. He served as the CEO of Bengaluru FC and had been with the Club for the past 10 years since its incepBon, where he led their transiBon from parBcipaBon in the I-League to the Hero ISL, development of the youth system as well as mulBple Btles and accolades on and off the pitch.
NorthEast United FC owner, John Abraham, stated, “In our conversaBons with Mandar leading up to this appointment, we were deeply impressed with his long-term vision for the Club.
From insBtuBng a strong academy structure to honour the talent in the Northeast to bringing an aPacking, sustainable style of play under strong leadership to the first team, in order to compete at the highest level. I am renewed by his drive and determinaBon to achieve these goals we are undertaking and more.”
Speaking on the appointment, Tamhane said “I am thrilled to join NorthEast United FC in this key leadership posiBon and be instrumental in culBvaBng and execuBng its vision for long-term growth and success. The Northeast is a hotbed for Indian football talent and the following for football in the region is tremendous. I am commiPed to help build a viable foundaBon of systems and structure to the first team and academy, which is resonant with the fans’ passion in the region and one that they would be proud of.”
( Photo: Twitter)