MasterChef Nayanjyoti Saikia, responsible for single-handedly putting Assamese Cuisine on the cultural map of India and the world, today judged The Royal Culinary Chef Challenge at The Assam Royal Global University, in an event organized by the Royal School of Hotel Management and Royal School of Travel and Tourism Management that saw participation from aspiring chefs from different educational institutes of the region.
Expressing his astonishment at achieving more than anticipated, in an interactive session prior to the competition, Chef Saikia shared experiences from his journey emphasizing repeatedly to his young audience, the importance of trusting one’s passions and working on their goals. Reminding them at the same time, that though no dream is ever too big, it is sheer hard-work and persistence that can get enable one to achieve the same. He further shared with the Royalites his feeling of utter surprise at winning the title when he hadn’t expected to even qualify in the top 36 contestants, let alone top 16. While also sharing his reservations about the flavours and cuisine of Assam being accepted and integrated by the judges and co-contestants especially in the light of presumptions related to eating habits of the NER prevalent in other parts of India, he threw light on his brush with racism at various platforms and the necessity of taking a stand for oneself. “In retrospect,” he said “we must also make a proactive effort to inculcate our ingredients, aromas and food habits in other parts of the country and not be discourages by our cultural apprehensions.” Apart from winning the title, Chef Saikia basked in the glory of successfully putting Assamese cuisine and culture on the map of India and the world, as he had resolved to over the course of his participation.
He was accompanied by co-judge Vikram Sen, Lecturer, Institute of Hotel Management, Guwahati