Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Wednesday chaired the 26th e-Pragati meeting with all deputy commissioners in the district and reviewed status of several projects, programs and pending issues here this morning.
While RWD Minister Honchun Ngandam along with Chief Secretary, representatives of BRO, PGCIL, BSNL, NHIDCL and Defence Estate Officer (DEO), Itanagar and other top state officials were present with the Chief Minister, all deputy commissioners and DEO Tezpur and ITBP representatives joined the review meeting online.
The meeting mainly revolved around land acquisition for defence purposes and road construction in border areas.
The Chief Minister urged deputy commissioners of Kurung Kumey, Anjaw, Dibang Valley, Lower Dibang Valley, Changlang, Upper Siang, West Kameng, Shi Yomi, Upper Subansiri, Tawang, West Kameng, East Kameng and Papum Pare to expedite the process of submitting their respective land compensation assessment report so that the user agencies like BRO, ITBP and NHIDCL can move forward on their parts.
He demanded timelines from each deputy commissioner to complete all pending issues.
Khandu also strongly dissuaded the DCs from entertaining fake land compensation demands. He directed them to take legal action against people who are indulging in construction or any other activity in lands after notification has been issued.
“Land compensation request will be accepted for infrastructure or agricultural fields that existed before notifications. No request for compensation must be entertained for any infrastructure that has come up after notifications have been issued,” he said.
To resolve all kinds of disputes between two or more parties over land acquisition for construction of treks or roads must be resolved tactically and peacefully by involving local elected representatives of the area, he advised.
On the matter of road connectivity for extension of tourist circuits, Khandu suggested taking up road and other infrastructure projects under the recently launched Vibrant Village Program (VVP) of the central government to facilitate flow of tourists identified areas with tourism potential.
“To make stay of tourists longer in a village or town, awareness should be created amongst tour operators, hoteliers and other stakeholders to offer tourist friendly activities. Now that we are starting tourism courses in ITIs of the state, local trained youths must be engaged as tourist guides,” he suggested.
The Chief Minister also reviewed the status of 13 Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) like PMAY (both rural and urban), PMJAY, Amrit Sarovar, Atal Pension Yojna, PMJJBY, Jal Jeevan Mission, PMGSY, etc for 100% saturation within the given timelines.
He also reviewed the status of 4G towers being erected across the state by BSNL. Expressing concern over slow pace of progress, he offered BSNL all out support of the state government in expediting the process.