• March 5, 2025 7:01 am

Aaranyak-media interactions in eastern Assam focus on human-wildlife coexistence

The premier research-based biodiversity conservation organisation Aaranyak has organises two interactions programmes at Dhakuakhana and Doomdooma recently with prominent local media persons on the important role the media can play in conservation of biodiversity and facilitation of human-wildlife coexistence and mitigating human-elephant conflict.

The workshops were organised by Aaranyak in partnership with the British Asian Trust and with the support of the Darwin Initiative. The workshops are expected to generate cooperation from the media in generating mass support for Aaranyak’s initiatives in eastern Assam areas for mitigation of HEC through facilitation of human wildlife coexistence.

Prominent media personnel from Majuli, Dhakuakhana, Machkhowa, Ghilamara and Gogamukh were present in Dhakuakhana media interaction where the focus was on the raging HEC in Assam as well as in areas in an around Majuli river island of Assam.

Noted media personnel from Doomdooma, Kakopathar, Sadiya and Saikhowa attended and took part in deliberations very actively in the workshop held at Doomdooma College with the Principal of the college Dr Kamaleswar Kalita in the chair. The workshop was anchored by Manoj Dutta, Professor of the college.

The HEC is now a burgeoning problem in eastern Assam areas, with crop damages and deaths (of human and elephants) on the rise. It has been exacerbated by rapid urbanisation, encroachment on elephant habitats, and inadequate mitigation measures. This complex issue must be addressed through sustained and multi-stakeholder efforts if elephants and humans are to coexist. Aaranyak, therefore, has reached out to local mass communicators to elicit cooperation from the local community towards various mitigation measures it is taking for achieving coexistence.

The media interaction at Dhakuakhana on June 21 was set on the roll by Lakhi Konwar, principal of Normal School, Dhakuakhana. Niranjan Bhuyan, a senior official at Aaranyak, explained the purpose of the programme. Jayanta Kumar Pathak, an environment educator and a senior manager at Aaranyak, discussed the role of the media in raising awareness among masses on biodiversity conservation and coexistence between humans and elephants. “Media, as a fourth pillar of democracy, can play an essential role in promoting mass awareness of HEC and facilitating coexistence”, Pathak said.

Another research official of Aaranyak Rubul Tanti spoke out about the current human-wildlife conflict situation in Assam and various mitigation measures undertaken by Aaranyak in coordination with Assam Forest Department and the community in certain HEC hotspots in the state.

There was also an extensive interaction between the journalists and the resource persons, as well as the Village Champions – members of local communities from Majuli and faculty members from Normal School.

The interaction at Doomdooma College auditorium on June 26 was set on the roll by the Principal of the College Dr K Kalita from the chair by explaining the objectives of the workshops and comments on the key causes behind the HEC.

Aaranyak researcher Rubul Tanti made a detailed presentation on the HEC scenario in Assam and the region as well as on various mitigation measures like installation of community-managed solar fences, growing lemon/bio fences, promotion alternative crops etc.

Senior Manager of Aaranyak, Jayanta Kumar Pathak made a lucid presentation on ‘media on biodiversity conservation and human elephant coexistence while Bijay Sankar Bora, a life member/ executive member of Aaranyak highlighted some key aspects on how even local media should go about flagging biodiversity conservation issues on a global perspective taking advantage of the digital ecosystem of the day. Aaranyak official Zakir Islam Bora made a presentation in the beginning of the workshop on the journey of Aaranyak since its inception in 1989.

Senior media persons provided valued feedback on the HEC scenario of the area in Doomdooma workshop which ended with a note of thanks from Aaranyak’s staff Rimpee Moran. Other members of Aaranyak team Bidisha Borah, Rimpee Moran, Pranjit Borah, Junak Baruah and intern Vedic Gupta played key roles in facilitating these media interactions.

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