The victorious Bengal Women’s Under-15 team, who emerged champions in the domestic One-Day tournament on Tuesday, received a grand welcome on arrival at the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport in Kolkata on Wednesday.
CAB President Snehasish Ganguly welcomed all the players and support staffs at the airport and congratulated everyone for their success and stunning performance in the entire tournament.
India legend Jhulan Goswami, CAB Vice President Amalendu Biswas, CAB Treasurer Prabir Chakrabarty, CAB Joint Secretary Debabrata Das, who were also present, congratulated all the team members for their superb show.
The U-15 team, who outclassed Punjab by 47 runs in the summit clash in Jaipur on Tuesday, remained unbeaten in the entire tournament, displaying some outstanding performances both with bat and ball.