Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Jammu Railway division today on 6th January, 2025. Jammu becomes the 69th division of Indian Railways. E. Srinivas, presently working in the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade will soon be taking charge as Divisional Railway Manager of the New Jammu Railway division, under Northern Railway.
The division will cover the operations on Railway tracks from Pathankot to Baramulla. It will also cover the narrow-gauge line from Pathankot to Joginder Nagar. The Jammu division will lead to development of Railway operations in Jammu & Kashmir. New train services that will connect Kashmir valley with the rest of country will bring more tourism. It will boost socio economic development of Jammu & Kashmir.
The Prime Minister underscored that the work on modern rail networks like the Dedicated Freight Corridor is progressing rapidly in the country. He also stated that Jammu and Kashmir is achieving new milestones in railway infrastructure, with the Udhampur – Srinagar -Baramulla rail line, which is being discussed all over the country today. Shri Modi said the completion of the Chenab Bridge, the world’s highest railway arch bridge, will play a key role in connecting the region with the rest of India providing convenience to the people of Leh-Ladakh.