The Lamp Lighting Ceremony of 30 Nursing Cadets of 15th Batch, College of Nursing, Command Hospital (Eastern Command) was held on 08 January 2025. Major General Ajay Deep Sud, Commandant, Command Hospital (EC) graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Brigadier Mini Mathai, Brig MNS, Head Quarter (EC) was the guest of honour.Lamp Lighting ceremony is held as a tribute to Florence Nightingale “The Lady with the Lamp” who is the pioneer of modern nursing. This is a significant event in the life of a student nurse as it marks the completion of 3 months of initial training and donning of Nurses’ uniform for the first time. It symbolizes their readiness to serve the country and mankind.
These thirty nursing cadets, inducted in October 2024 will be commissioned into the Military Nursing Services after successful completion of four years of BSc Nursing course under West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata. The traditional lamp was lit by the dignitaries. Colonel Jeeva George, Principal College of Nursing passed the holy light of knowledge to faculty who in turn passed it to the Nursing Cadets. Students were then administered The Nurse’s pledge. The Chief Guest in his address urged the budding nurses to strive for the professional excellence and upholding the standards of the Military Nursing Service.
(Inputs from CPRO, MOD Eastern Region Wing Cdr Himanshu Tiwari)