Around 139 people from the State of Arunachal Pradesh are among the 10,000 Special Guests who have been invited from across the country to witness the Republic Day Parade at Kartavya Path, New Delhi on January 26, 2025. Prominent among these architects of ‘Swarnim Bharat’ are with diverse backgrounds, include best performers in various fields and those who have made best use of the schemes of the Government.
The overall list of categories of Special Guests from the State of Arunachal Pradesh is as follows:-
List of Categories No of Special Guests Invited :
BRO: Road Construction Workers 31
Guests from Vibrant Villages (MHA): -GPC & Co-ordinator/IO 17
Best performing Vibrant Villages (MHA):
SHG members 50
Anganwadi Workers: (WCD- Handicrafts) 04
Best performing Pani Samitee: (Drinking Water & Sanitation)13
My Bharat Volunteers: (D/o Youth Affairs) 2
Best performing community Resource Person & SHG members:
(D/o Rural Development) 6
Forest & Wild Life Conservation Volunteers/workers (M/o Environment, Forest & Climate Change): 3
Best performing PM-VISHWAKARMA Yojana Beneficiaries: 2
Beneficiaries of PM-KUSUM Scheme: 01
Hand Loom Artisans: 1
Best performing water warriors: 2
Man Ki Baat participants: 4
Guest from Vibrant Villages: 3
The special guests invited from pan-India to witness the parade are from different walks of life, including beneficiaries/achievers/winners/workers alongwith their spouses, parents, guardians, teachers in various fields and those who have made best use of the schemes/initiatives/contest/events of the Government of India.
(Inputs from PRO, Defence Tezpur, Lt.Col. Athul Sreedharan)