• March 5, 2025 2:14 am

Building a sustainable and circular bio-economy to be discussed at G20 RIIG conference in Dibrugarh

ByNE India Broadcast

Mar 22, 2023

Delegates from G20 members, guest countries, and International Organizations, and invited participants from the scientific community will deliberate on the ways towards building a sustainable and circular bio-economy at the G20 Research and Innovation Initiative Gathering (RIIG) Conference to be held on 23-24 March 2023 at Dibrugarh, Assam, India.

Dr. S Chandrasekhar, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt of India, and the G20 RIIG Chair, will lead the conference proceedings. The G20 RIIG Conference is coordinated by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India. About 100 delegates and invitees are expected to participate in the conference.

The event will bring together key actors, comprising national authorities and experts from the G20 members responsible for planning, setting up new, and managing existing programs on the subject. The focus areas will include challenges and opportunities in agriculture, de-carbonization of industry, and bio-energy and bioresource management. The conference will also see deliberations on national and regional programs and country experiences, regulatory environment and public/private sector collaboration, role of Research, Development & Innovation in creating new, resource-efficient, sustainable, and more circular bio-based technologies, products and services, and cooperation between G20 members on specific thematic areas.

This interactive event will further promote active engagement between all key stakeholders, including the 3Ps (people, policies and places), and lead towards an inclusive policy-making approach providing a conceptual framework to mainstream circular bio-economy models across different sectors. Collaborations and partnerships among G20 members and stakeholders will strengthen the global efforts toward building a circular bio-economy.

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