On the occasion of National Press Day, observed every year on November 16 in India, the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Tezpur University organized host of activities, ranging from wall magazine inauguration to students’ presentation. Mr. PJ Baruah, noted journalist & Executive Editor of “The Assam Tribune” graced the event as the key-note speaker.
Abhijit Bora, Head of the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism delivered the welcome address. Mr. Baruah delivered an insightful lecture on the issue of Media Trials in the contemporary scenario.
Speaking on the occasion, Baruah said that although Media scenario has transformed drastically over the years; but the main objective of journalism has remained the same, i.e to Inform, Educate and Guide. Giving examples of some cases of Media Trials, the veteran editor explained said that in some of the cases, media played a very active role in bringing justice. However, in some cases the media behaved like a court and gave their judgement much before the actual court gave verdict.
Differentiating the role of print and electronic media with regard to media trials, Baruah remarked that most of the times media trials are run by audio visual mediums and not so by the print media. “Print media is regulated by Press Council of India, whereas audio-visual medium functions without regulation”, Baruah said. “Media should only report facts and should not be party to the proceedings”, he further added.
During the occasion, a bilingual bi-monthly science magazine “Vigyan Sanchar” and the departmental news bulletin “TU Times” was also inaugurated. The event concluded with a students’ presentation on the topic” Media and AI”. The event was attended by Prof. Mrinmoy Kumar Sarma, Dean, Academic Affairs and Prof. Farheena Danta, Dean, School of Humanities & Social Sciences apart from Tezpur University students and faculty members.