The “Bharat Gaurav Train” scheme was recently launched by the Indian Railways. One of the main objectives of the scheme is to showcase India’s rich cultural heritage. Theme based tourist circuit trains can be run under the scheme. The policy aims to leverage the core strength of the professionals of the tourism sector. Under this scheme, registered service providers will be offered train rakes under “Right to Use” model by the Indian Railways for a minimum period of two years. Service providers shall have the flexibility to decide business model including themes, routes, itinerary, tariff including train branding, naming and third party advertisement rights. In this connection a meeting was held on 23rd December, 2021 at Maligaon between railway officials and service providers / Tour operators. The meeting was presided over by Tanweer Hasan, Chief Commercial Manager/Passenger Service/N.F. Railway. Representatives from M/s. Jungle Travels, M/s, Koheli Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd, M/s. Krazytrip, M/s. Flyeasy and others were present. During the meeting main aspects of the scheme was discussed through power point presentation. Various queries raised by the service providers and Tour operators were discussed and answered. During discussion, service providers present appreciated the newly launched scheme and expressed their willingness to further explore the scheme and avail it.

Service providers and Tour operators were informed that details about the scheme are available on website and for any further queries they can also send e-mail to