The Railway Protection Force (RPF) of Northeast Frontier Railway has launched a massive awareness campaign to restrict the spread of Covid-19. The campaign aims to sensitise the railway passengers on the safety measures and precautions to be followed to restrict the spread of the current pandemic.
Awareness drives to promote the wearing of masks, observing social distance and other precautionary measures are being carried out at various stations and trains over N. F. Railway. RPF of N. F. Railway also distributed free masks amongst railway passengers as part of an ongoing awareness drive.
Railway employees, passengers and stakeholders are being educated about precautionary measures to be taken on Covid-19 prevention. The frequency of announcements has been increased at railway stations about masking up, sanitising of hands, social distancing and other precautionary measures. RPF officers and staff are using banners and loudspeakers to educate people at railway premises.
N. F. Railway appeals to its commuters to observe the Covid-19 related safety measures and instructions of their respective states during the journey.