On the occasion of World Spay Day 2022, JBF(Just Be Friendly), a Guwahati based social welfare organization observed the month of February as spay month by doing birth control surgeries for street and community dogsat JIRAW, Mairakuchi, under supervision of Programme Director Dr Smriti Rekha Dutta.
World Spay Day itself is celebrated annually on the fourth Tuesday in February (February 22 in 2022). Dr Udhab Nath, Dr Arunima Bhatacharjee , Dr Monideepa Borgohain , few other members along with JBF team, Founder & Chief Functionary of the organization Dr Sashanka Sekhar Dutta has grace the occasion with their presence. Few spay/ neuter surgeries have also been performed on the day. Besides, JBF also created awareness among people by distributing informative leaflets in various locations of Sonapur ,Digaru & Guwahati.
Program Director Smriti Rekha Dutta said “This is an event that joins everyone around the world in one single effort to help control pet overpopulation and decrease the number of innocent homeless and unwanted puppies & kittens. It is also a great opportunity to not only make a difference, but also educate pet parents and caretakers on the importance and benefits of sterilization(Spay/Neuter)”.
In this context Dr Sashanka Sekhar Dutta Chief Functionary said, JBF is privileged to express their heartfelt gratitude to Fondation Brigitte Bardot (FBB), H A I ( H e l p A n i m a l I n d i a ) , C H A L – U S A , Guwahati Municipal Corporation(GMC), Local Organizations, Animal Lovers and the general public for extending their support to JBF.