• January 22, 2025 7:16 pm

Passing Out Parade: 58 Gorkha Training Centre

The Passing Out Parade of the 195th Recruit Training Batch of 58 Gorkha Training Centre was held on 06 Aug 2022 at Harish Parade Ground, Happy Valley, Shillong.  The Parade marks the culmination of rigorous Recruit training of the young civilian boys, who during the course of their training at 58 GTC transformed into physically fit, mentally robust & professionally competent Young Soldiers of the Indian Army.

In an impressive ceremony marked by immaculate turnout and precision marching, a total of 297 Recruits took the ‘Oath of Affirmation’, to serve the nation selflessly with devotion. These young soldiers will now be despatched to the numerous frontiers of the Indian Army, dedicated to protect the motherland when the need arises.

The Parade was reviewed by Maj Gen Anuraag Chhibber, VSM, Officiating GOC 101 Area, who congratulated the Young Soldiers for the successful completion of their training while also exhorting them to strive to be the finest soldiers of Indian Army.

In his address, the General Officer also stressed upon the importance of valour, honour, ethos, sacrifice & putting service before self in line with the finest traditions of the Indian Army.  In the presentation ceremony for outstanding recruits, Recruit Biswash Thapa was awarded the Overall Best Recruit & Best Rect of 8 GR and Recruit Durgesh Ashish Kalura was awarded Best Recruit of 5 GR (FF).

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