A massive landslide that dislodged an entire mountain face between Balemu and Kalaktang on Road Orang-Kalaktang-Shergaon-Rupa-Tenga (OKSRT) on 01 Nov 23 was cleared for two way traffic by14 BRTF of Project Vartak in the early hours of 5th November .
The first landslide had occurred on the road on 10th October 2023 and was disrupting traffic intermittently. On 1st November 2023, the entire mountain face came rolling down and Border Roads had to close the road completely for three days in order to make it safe for vehicles. Heavy plant and manpower worked tirelessly by day and night during these three days in order to provide succor to local populace, tourists and military convoys frequently using this road.
Defence PRO, Tezpur, Lieutenant Colonel Abhishek Banerjee stated this in a press release.
Report sent by Pratyusha Mukherjee