The aim of a lecture on Waterborne Diseases was to educate villagers about the risks, causes and prevention of diseases transmitted through contaminated water. The event included raising awareness about the various pathogens responsible for waterborne diseases, highlighting the importance of clean water sources, sanitation practices and effective water treatment methods. The goal of the lecture was to reduce the waterborne diseases by promoting responsible water management, hygiene practices and public health.
The aim of a tree plantation drive was to increase the green cover in the area near the village. The soldiers of Assam Rifles worked with the locals to identify suitable areas for planting saplings. The villagers were encouraged to participate in the plantation drive and they were given information about the importance of trees and their role in maintaining the ecological balance. To ensure the survival of the plants, the ownership of the plants is being entrusted to the individuals who planted the trees.
The locals expressed profound gratitude to the Assam Rifles for undertaking such an initiative and appreciated the continuous efforts and commitments of the force in reaching out to them.