After two days of comprehensive brainstorming, the Indian Army culminated the seminar cum panel discussion ‘Gajraj Manthan’ at Tezpur on 24th August 2024. Day 2 of the seminar commenced with the 4th session, which was conducted by a team of experts from the CLAWS Think Tank and saw deliberations on the key issue of ‘Defence against Grey Zone Warfare’. The discussions of Session 4 were steered by Lieutenant General Dushyant Singh (Retd) with eminent domain experts who formed part of the panel to include Maj Gen Manjeet Singh (Retd) and Mr Alok Vijayant. Contours of developing Cyber Resilience in the era of Grey Zone warfare was analysed in detail by Major General Manjeet Singh (Retd). Leveraging information as a weapon for achieving strategic & operational dividends during Grey Zone and military operations was a very significant aspect covered by Mr Alok Vijayant during his intriguing talk on Countering Information and Dis Information Operations. A comprehensive discourse on ‘Countering Grey Zone:
A Multi Domain Strategy for India’ was given by Lt Gen Dushyant Singh (Retd).
The Session 5 focused on Resilient Response Strategy: Countering the emerging Geo-Strategic security challenges in Multiple Domains chaired by Lt Gen Raj Shukla (Retd) with Lt Gen Ajai Singh (Retd) among others. Aspects of Civil Military Fusion for Infrastructure Development, Military Modernization & Indian Army’s Multi-Domain Resilience was covered in depth highlighting the key structural, protocol and procedural changes essential for building a resilient framework at the strategic and operational level. Jointmanship as the future for the Indian Armed Forces was emphasized wholeheartedly by Lt Gen Ajai Singh (Retd) during his talk on Jointmanship. The culminating talk of the event was articulated by Lt Gen Raj Shukla (Retd) on the very significant aspect of ‘Contemporary Challenges for India and the Way Ahead’.
In the Closing Address the importance was re-emphasized on the need to be operationally prepared round the clock for any contingency developing on the India’s borders and the importance of AtmanirbharBharat. The seminar provided key insights to decode contemporary strategic, doctrinal, military modernization and Grey Zone challenges while suggesting suitable measures to be taken by India’s security apparatus to develop a cogent and resilient response strategy transcending multiple domains. The seminar was screened in online mode on CLAWS YouTube channel for online viewers.