• March 13, 2025 1:39 am

9th August, stigmatized day

On 9 August the world witnessed how in the city of Joy, kolkata , a trainee doctor was brutally raped and murdered, 31 years old promising doctor fell prey of sexual lust , distorted mentality and savage violence. And the most heartbreaking is , in the last night of her life she bearded intolerable agony.

Only society and law are completely responsible for this rape , more and more such rapes will happen and will continue to happen until just one rapist is given such exemplary punishment that it shivers the souls of humans.

Due to this rape incident different political parties got the golden opportunity to drag the attention of people to their respective parties, and thousands of candles were sold because of candle march.

The involvement of politics and law in any rape incident means the case will be dragged in court for a long time.
Almost everyone is associated with some political party or the other, but people should look at any rape incident only from humanitarian point of view and not keeping their political party in mind.

Second but most important, after the rapist’s crime is proven ask the government and law to hand over the rapist to the victim’s family or to the general public.

Demanding death penalty for the rapist through protest is the biggest stupidity of people ,give such a punishment that the rapist will remain alive but yearn for death all the time for the rest of his life .

While raping ,the rapist uses three things:
Perverted mentality, hands and pen_s but uses hands the most ,therefore the only appropriate punishment for the rapist is to chop off both his hands and a permanent tattoo should be done on his forehead in bold letters ” ME RAPIST ”
If the government and law feel that death penalty is harsher punishment than rape then chopping both the hands of rapist is less severe punishment compared to rape because if the rape victim can live in trauma for life long that someone forcibly inserted his male organ in my genitalia then a rapist can live life without hands .

This trainee doctor’s rape was not just the rape of one doctor but it was the rape of entire doctors fraternity of the world. Along with the protest of common people the unity of doctors can bring justice to the wandering and unsatisfied soul of 31 years old lady doctor.

There are not only pimps of prostitutes but also pimps of rapists are present in the society
Along with the strong protest against rape, there should also be condemnable protest against the representatives those who give clarification and argue in favor of rapist/s in court, especially if rape is committed with torturous murder of the victim.

If 20 people create obstacles in getting justice to the lady doctor then make this brutal rape and murder case a fight of 140 crore Indians with only 20 people.

Every person’s desire to live life before till the natural death.
A senior advocate , who has been living on this earth for 75 years, is defending the murderer and rapist who did not allow a young lady to live more than 31 years , then undoubtedly he doesn’t know the difference between living for 75 years and ending up living at 31 years.

Socrates was absolutely right – Mankind is made of two kinds of people : wise people who know they are fools and fools who think they are wise.
The people of the society are proving the description of ” KALYUG ” to be true.

Hypocrisy shall be practiced as a virtue.

Might will be deemed right, brute power will decide law and justice.

Most of the rapists get strength in their male organ to rape from money, political power, intoxicants and sadism

A rapist is an extremely sadistic
person, letting any sadist loose in the society means allowing many more rapes to happen.

Rapist, child molester, acid thrower,
maybe be anyone, maybe the son of minister or business tycoon should never be allowed to come out of jail on parole.

Not the government and the law but if politics and the general public want then the incidents of rape will reduce soon.

Rape of one woman is Rape of the entire female race, rape of the female race is rape of every woman, but what percentage of women in the world fight against rape?

If women do not get relief from rape then why protest against rape once in two years or once in a year ?

Unless rape does not happen to oneself, people tend to forget within days or months.

Verbal assurance of administration can also be a trick to stop the movement.
Until justice is got in the anti rape movement, kneeling down or compromise with the administration is an invitation to more rapes.

The biggest reason why the continuousness of rape is not ending is that the heat of anti rape agitation declines as quickly as it inclines.
City or village, if anti rape movement continues every day, unwaveringly 365 days a year, there will definitely be less incidents of rape and molestation .
Another reason, people oppose rape by keeping in mind the social position of the rape victim in the society. The intensity of protest should be equal for all ,irrespective of whether the victim is from upper class, middle class, lower middle class or poor family.

Sacrifice is necessary to overcome any problem and rape is not a problem but a heinous crime.Women will have to spoil their own sleep first , then make every night sleepless night of the contractors of the society, incidents of rape will reduce soon.

The status of rapist is far above the law , rapist doesn’t hesitate for a moment before committing rape and the law keeps swinging between arguments like a pendulum. Nirbhaya rape case 2012 , a 23 year old female was beaten, gang- raped, tortured and later she succumbed, but the law kept swinging on the swing till 7 years in giving the ultimate verdict to the culprits.

On 9th August ,31 years old lady doctor was brutally raped and murdered , it was also the month of August (2004) when 200 women lynched Akku Yadav ( rapist) in the court.

2015,Dimapur,Nagaland, a mob of about 7000 – 8000 people broke into a prison, dragged a man detained under accused of rape , paraded him naked and beat him to death.

Sometimes, Justice is not obtained by begging but by snatching.

Ignore the words of ignorants that west bengal is safe for women . In 2022 ,15 allegedly rape cases emerged in 40 days in West Bengal.

Those who are fully responsible for the rape and murder of the Lady doctor , justice will remain incomplete until all the accused are punished.Incomplete justice is not justice, it is mockery in the name of justice.

Those who oppose the anti rape agitators just one question to them, are the females in your family completely safe, anywhere at any time, today and in the future ?

Perhaps one home out of hundred doesn’t have a woman living in it, today ‘s anti rape movement will secure the honor and dignity of the females of our homes in the coming days.Those who are born from woman’s womb, agitate for women’s safety then mother, daughter, sister and wife will remain safe.

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