In a major breakthrough, alert personnel of the Border Security Force (BSF), South Bengal Frontier, in collaboration with its intelligence wing, successfully intercepted a smuggler attempting to smuggle gold into India. The smuggler was apprehended near the Border Outpost (BOP) Horondipur, under the 32nd Battalion, and 4.671 kilograms of gold,concealed inside a motorcycle, were seized.
Acting on specific/accurate intelligence provided by the BSF’s intelligence unit, BSF troops at BOP Horondipur were alerted on October 10, 2024. The suspect, a resident of Nadia district in West Bengal, was intercepted at the border. Upon searching his motorcycle, the BSF discovered two gold bars and 18 gold biscuits hidden inside the air filter of the vehicle. The smuggler had planned to smuggle the contraband from Bangladesh to India. The seized gold has an estimated market value of ₹3,50,55,855.
During interrogation, the arrested individual revealed that he had received the gold consignment from a contact named Alamgir in Bojtala village, Bangladesh, the previous night. He further disclosed that he had concealed the gold in the motorcycle and was supposed to deliver it to an unknown individual in the Swarnakhali forest area in exchange for ₹10,000 upon successful delivery.
The apprehended individual, along with the seized gold, has been handed over to the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) in Kolkata for further investigation.
Speaking on the successful operation, Nilotpal Kumar Pandey, DIG and Public Relations Officer of BSF South Bengal Frontier, commended the continuous efforts of the BSF personnel deployed on borders and reiterated BSF’s commitment to combat smuggling. He urged border residents to report any information related to gold smuggling to the BSF’s Seema Saathi Helpline at 14419 or via WhatsApp at 9903472227. He assured that informants would be rewarded and their identities kept confidential.