No No, if your mind is swaying to chemist. You come back , it’s right here. Once you are born till you die , you got rights reserved for this medicine. Much like Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak who stated , “ Freedom is my birthright, I shall have it “ , during Independence struggle of India . It’s like spelt “Oxygen“ . It comes from plants and trees. What a common sense fact. Well the way we are deforesting and culling trees, looks like a secret phenomenon, known to all , neglected by much . It repairs you in all struggles of health. It is the essence of life. It is what we are breathing , be it any faith, maybe. Lucid is another known fact , it is responsible for your growth of body, organs etc etc.
If we play with oxygen by cutting plants we supposedly are harming self , not supposition but we are harming self .This is free medicine , but it is compulsory .
Absence or reduced level of intake of Oxygen causes problems, for which we have to go to chemist, who does not have such a natural medicine, but interplay of understanding of pharmaceuticals companies, to give you a branded medicine for your ailment. Branded by name of pharmaceutical company , not by or of creators.
I spoke about common sense , buying medicine from chemist is a sense and encashing free medicine, available everywhere is not common sense. But the daunting task is you have to conserve trees or sea beds or other natural sources of oxygen.
Well it is still , I think , a myth that we are craving for worldly things and neglecting the gospel. How long?
It is known in Indian history, by sages and other spiritual men ,that we have to breath oxygen to better our health , sleep and stay fit and working , till our presence on this planet is obliterated. But , today we are living a compromised life in cities or crowded areas devoid of green , to showcase our status which by no means is going to remain immortal.
Take for example Delhi ,AQI is not air quality, but your life quality. You can achieve a lot by low AQI, like people in Delhi have achieved , reduced lifespans, they save a lot of air.
When you are given excuses by a person that, I am non vegetarian because plants have life and all that , and they feel pain, at same time we raze plants to ground and build buildings for our requirements or investments, we are hilarious by contradicting ourselves. Maybe we should not have thoughts like filter coffee, we filter our thoughts which suite us. Anyway , that’s humanity nowadays. Not to rake a chaotic discussion about vegetarians or meat eaters, but trying to sneak my point here.
Ok,you can detest your brain about oxygen intake phenomena. Take long breaths in a green area , maybe hold for couple of seconds, filling your lungs with more than usual breath, do it for 15/20 minutes. You will feel the ripples, if you wanna feel epicentre, do it regularly or twice daily.
You want to know what is twin paradox, here it goes, cunning creator. One of stuff’s which is known that , buildings of concrete are our competitors for oxygen. An absence of oxygen for 5/10 seconds, will cause buildings to explode, we are constructing our own. Coffins , maybe.
There is no substitute for oxygen and we ourselves are trying to feed substitutes . We are in mad race of self punishment . We think we are developing like aliens. We are not evolving, but devolving.
See around , the amount of urban jungles,and infrastructure , our one of oxygen competitors, at cost of plantation ,which assures your health . The situation is like Rudyard Kipling ‘s famous poem ,”IF”.
If buildings or industries could release oxygen, advocates would have argued, but this remains idea of some fictional movie. The way we are going, it shall mean treacherous to future generations. Let’s see where it goes , doesn’t look like happy ending.
( This is personal perception of Gorky Singh)
(The article is solely the opinion of the author. The views expressed here are solely personal and not in any way connected to any organisation or any political party.)