Online Common Entrance Examination (CEE) for recruitment in Indian Army for Recruiting Year 2023-24 will be held from 17 Apr 2023 to 26 Apr 2023. For the Headquarters Recruiting Zone, Kolkata, exams will be conducted at 18 Centres in 15 cities. For Sikkim at two Exam Centres in Gangtok, for West Bengal there will be Exam Centres in eight cities – Ko.lkata, Howarh, Berhampore, Bardhman, Durgapur, Kalyani, Asansol, & Siliguri, and for Odisha exam will be conducted in six cities-Bhubneswar, Dhenkanal, Rourkela, Sambalpur, Balasore, and Behrampur (Ganjam).
The registration window to apply for Online Common Entrance Examination closed on 20 Mar 2023, the candidates can check and download their Admit Card details from In case of successfully registered candidates who has not received the Admit Card, they can approach their respective Army Recruitment Offices. Candidates are also advised to visit www.joinindianarmy. website or YouTube to understand and practice for Computer Based Online Test.
Post Online CEE, selected candidates will be intimated of the Recruitment Rally. Candidates are advised to not to fall prey to any touts. The candidates should contact their nearest Recruitment Office for any query.
(An Indian Army release)