• February 22, 2025 2:40 pm

Illegal drugs seized by Karimganj police

Drug racket busted in Karimganj. Karingamj police have successfully busted 70 thousand Yaba tablets and arrested three culprits associated with this racket. According to google the market price of this tablet in Bangladesh markets is around 3.5 crore to 7 crores. According to police, these drugs arrived in India via Mayanmar intending to be smuggled to Bangladesh across the international Karimganj borders. Large quantities of drugs have been recovered in the past, but this is the large drug bust in the district this year. The arrested culprits are lock but the police are suspecting that there is a big foreign racket involved in this trafficking case.

The police received a tiff off from undercover sources and based on the information, the police conducted a raid on Sharifnagar district of Karimganj on Tuesday and arrested three people with a large number of drugs. One of the detainees is 24 years old, 18 years old, and 19 years old. They belong to the Kanishail and Sharifnagar areas. Although the detainees are local, the police suspect that there is a foreign racket involved with this racket. Although the department has a substantial amount of information but will not make the information public for the sake of investigation.

Many anti Drug campaign has been launched by Mayank Kumar Jha after joining the Karimganj district. Drugs worth crores rupees have been recovered and many people were arrested who are associated with this mischiefs. He said, “ Not only in Karimganj district, but this is a part of a statewide drive against drugs and illegal smuggling. Our forces are monitoring drug traffickers in various ways and targeting their movements at the right time, with success.

The amount of drugs seized today is at least the biggest success this year. Much more drugs were seized last year too. We guess that there is a big foreign racket involved, but it is a matter of investigation. Attempts are being made to smuggle drugs not only through Karimganj to other states or international borders, but also in our district as well. We have to stop that too because it is harming the youth of our society. Of course, in this regard, the cooperation and awareness of the general public are very important”.

The seizure of such a large quantity of drugs has created turmoil and tension in various quarters. In the past police with the collaboration of BSF have busted several large-scale drug operations. The BSF official said the drug traffickers used to throw packets of drugs across the borders. Packets of money were thrown here. This activity catches the eyes of the locals and informed the police and consequently, some people were arrested.

During the run-up of Assemble election Union Minister Amit Shah had announced the special narcotics unit will be set up in Barak valley. He said, “ Drug trafficking in this valley has increased tremendously and has got some international links. A special narcotics unit will be set up in the Barak Valley soon to prevent these incidents from happening”. The BJP-led government has formed in Assam for the second consecutive year and police have launched series of a campaigns against illegal drug activities. Maybe, in the future, a special narcotic unit will indeed be launched in the valley.

(Edited by Amrita Das )

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