• March 5, 2025 8:19 am

Dibrugarh University ragging victim operated upon successfully

Dibrugarh University ragging victim Anand Sharma underwent a critical surgery of his spine at a private hospital in Dibrugarh on Thursday. A 5-member team of doctors led by neurosurgeon Dr Anil Pannalal carried out the 3-hour long successful operation. Considering the complication of his helath condition, a temporary pacemaker was fitted on the patient to stabilise his heartbeat before the surgery was carried out. Doctors attending on Anand Sharma had earlier said that an immediate surgery was needed to help him walk again as his spine had suffered multiple fractures. Ahead of his operation on Thursday a large crowd gathered in the hospital premises praying for his successful surgery and complete recovery. Anand Sharma’s parents and family members were also present outside the operation theatre praying for him.
“The operation was successful. The entire procedure took around 3 hours. The broken spinal parts which were compressing the nerves were successfully removed. Titanium plates and screws were used to fix the broken spine. An x-ray will be carried out tomorrow and the day after he will be asked to sit on his own. Doctors are hopeful that he will be able to walk within a week,” said Dr Nirmal Sahewalla, the proprietor of the private hospital after the completion of the operation.

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