In a shocking incident, an Assam Police constable was shot dead by his colleague at Sonari police station in Charaideo district on Tuesday morning. The accused constable identified as Dipak Kakati shot dead his colleague Gakul Basumatary with his service rifle at the police station. The accused constable was arrested by the police while the rifle used in the incident was seized.
“A police constable Dipak Kakati who was on duty at the Sonari police station shot dead his colleague Gakul Basumatary with his service rifle. Other police personnel who were present at that time immediately admitted Basumatary in a hospital but he succumbed to his injuries. The actual reason behind the incident is yet to be ascertained. The accused constable has been arrested and further investigation is underway,” Chariadeo SP Yuvraj said.
It is learnt that both the constables who had joined their shift duty from 3am at the Sonari police station had an argument over some matter before the fatal incident. Both of them belonged to the 9th Assam Police Battalion (APBN) located at Baharampur, Nagaon.