The incident took place on June 01, 2023 in the area of Border Outpost Bamanabad, 117 Battalion under South Bengal Frontier. Rubel Molla, a resident of Beechpara village, was working in his farm when suddenly a snake bit him.
The family members of the villager hurriedly reached the border outpost Bamanabad and informed the company commander about the incident and sought help. The Company Commander without any delay sent a Nursing Assistant to the spot along with a BSF ambulance. From there the person was admitted to Government Hospital, Bamanabad. The condition of the person is now out of danger.
The relatives of the villager expressed their gratitude to the Border Security Force and said that if the BSF jawans had not helped at the right time, some big untoward could have happened.
The Commanding Officer of 117 Battalion appreciated the social work done by the BSF jawans. He stated that along with the security of the international border, the BSF jawans also do the security of the people with full devotion and responsibility. In any untoward incident, the youth stand shoulder to shoulder with the people.