• March 29, 2025 1:33 pm


By Pratyusha Mukherjee

The landmark ‘Nechiphu Tunnel’ – a project that will enhance the connectivity and development of West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh. This tunnel is a testimony to the vision and commitment of our country by giving a new impetus to the infrastructure development in the North East region. This Nechiphu tunnel, as built on the Balipara- Charduar- Tawang road is a unique 500 mtr long, D-shaped, single-tube, double – lane tunnel at an altitude of 1630 mtr. It is equipped with modern lighting and safety facilities. This tunnel has also been equipped with the state-of-art electro-mechanical systems besides firefighting devices.

The road Balipara-Charduar-Tawang (BCT) a strategic stretch, which is very much important for the upliftment of Arunachal Pradesh, is usually affected by dense fog between the stretch Km 70.00 to Km 95.00 (current tunnel chainage is between Km 81.970 to 87.075). During the foggy period, the traffic on this road is obstructed and sluggishly impeded. The commuters, may it be the military or civilians face a lot of difficulties due to this. After a series of consultation, analysis and engineering ‘Nechiphu Tunnel’ was conceived as the only possible solution to avert the issue and accordingly the foundation stone was also laid down Rajnath Singh during Aug 2019 and work was started accordingly on 13 Oct 2020 by M/s Dhorajia construction Pvt ltd. Under EPC contract under close supervision of BRO. After around two and half years of construction, the same has been completed and inaugurated on 12th Sep 2023.

The Nechiphu Tunnel is a unique engineering marvel that has been constructed by cutting through highly fractured and fragile rock strata under low overburden through strict 3D monitoring and through proactive application of desired tunnel support system. The construction of this tunnel has been an arduous task that has taken amplitude hard work and dedication from our engineers and workers. This tunnel will not only provide safe all-weather passage but will also cut short the travel time by 30 minutes and reduce road distance by 6 kms of heavily, foggy stretch. This environment-friendly construction and reduction in distance will also help reduce carbon footprint in the area. This tunnel which without a doubt, holds the promise of transformative change for the strategically important Border regions with China and also plays a crucial role in enhancing connectivity between different parts of Arunachal Pradesh and improving socio-economic development.

Source: Indian Army
Report- Pratyusha Mukherjee

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